

Apashe is The Loony Squad's robot for the 2022 LOGICoyote CAD Challenge. This robot was the team's first public joint venture, and it won 1st place in LCC. 

This robot can complete every challenge in the LCC game, including picking up stacks of three cones, buildings stacks up to 8 pipes tall, filling the stacks with balls, and climbing. The total theoretical match score for this robot is 988 points. 

The passthrough design of the robot means the drivers never have to turn the robot around during a match. Pipes come in the front via the intake and exit through the back with our gear chain bar deposit. The differential lift keeps the center of gravity low by placing the motors in the bottom of the robot while still allowing 870mm of extension. 

To build this robot, only a CNC, 3D printer, and lathe are required. Every part is designed to be easily machinable and of low cost. The majority of the parts are made from aluminum, but carbon fiber and polycarbonate are also used. The primary printing material is PETG.

Apashe's 1st place portfolio can be found here: LS LCC 2022 Portfolio.